What is an Activist Investor?
What is an Activist? An activist is someone who attempts to alter a situation, often striving to make it a more positive place. To be an effective leader or activist, an individual must be committed to a particular cause, be capable of influencing others and be capable of convincing others to believe in their cause. Activists can be individuals or groups of people who attempt to effect change in an arena that they are passionate about. In addition to the area in which they choose to be involved, there are numerous types of activists including political activists, environmental activists, anti-smoking activists, animal rights activists and religious or social environmentalists.
There are many definitions of what constitutes a "Protestor" but most agree that the act of civil disobedience is the most common. The other forms of activism include civil disobedience for political purposes, civil disobedience for social or economic change, or for ethnic, cultural or religious reasons. Historically, there was much debate as to what was a peaceful protest. Today there are definitions that attempt to lump all forms of non-violent protests into one category of "Innocent untilproven guilty." Some people use the phrase "One man's trash is another man's treasure" to represent the argument that what may be trash to one person may be a treasure to another.
The modern concept of what is an activist can be traced back to the 1990s. During this period of time, environmentalists and other social justice advocates were defined as "activists" by the United States government. Activism at this time focused on issues that were of utmost importance to the general public such as racism, sexism and poverty. Today, it is not uncommon to find environmentalists and other social justice advocates involved in fundraisers, internet marketing and blogging. Activists can also take on more traditional forms of activism including political lobbying and social media marketing. The goal of all forms of activism is to promote social change and to effect change through legal means.
What is an Activist? Social scientists who study politics have often posed the question, what is an activist? One definition has been put forth by social psychologist Dr. Carol Downs, who defined the activist as someone who believes, "Rights come from peoples' unearned privileges," or what she called "invisible chains." Down explained that an activist is someone who believes that their rights are tied to the "chain of generations of oppression and exploitation," and that those chains need to be broken first.
In an effort to break down these chains, Activists work within communities to increase awareness and provide information to others about social issues. Activists go beyond simply participating in civic affairs to bring greater visibility to issues and use strategic tactics like social media advertising to bring awareness to those who might not otherwise have known about the struggles of the world's indigenous people. agency are continuously bringing attention to wrongdoings by corporations and governments around the world and using popular culture to spread the word. They use various tactics such as civil disobedience, sit-ins, direct action, fundraising, publicity stunts, and charity work to bring issues to light. All of these tactics seem to call into question the very nature of privilege, and some question whether or not activism is really helping the world become a more equal place.
Some environmentalists have even accused environmentalists of becoming what is sometimes referred to as "activist celebrities." Celebrities such as Vandross, Rage Against the Machine, and Puff Daddy have all made comments questioning the environmental damage that global warming is causing. Social scientist Dr. Max Explainer believes that this branding by activists of their own positions can actually hurt the credibility of environmental causes. agency contends that the legitimacy of eco-friendly causes is at stake, and that eco-activists need to become more cautious about how they talk about the problems of environmental destruction.
Activism is seen by many as an expression of one's privilege, and environmentalists have been at the forefront of calling attention to the degradation of the environment at every turn. However, some eco-activists have criticized eco-activists as over-identifying themselves with a particular cause and supporting certain industries at the cost of others. What is an eco-activist? Is it a black American who opposes animal rights activism, for example? The answer is no, an eco-activist is an individual who believes that corporate pollution, corporate greed, and disregard for the effects of unchecked consumerism are not good causes for humanity.
What is an activist investor? An activist investor is a public company's biggest shareholder. What is an activist hedge fund? An activist hedge fund is an investment fund specializing in investments related to social movements, socioeconomic issues, and political campaigns. What is an activist bank? An activist bank is a bank that does not require stockholders' votes to do business and does not need them to meet any minimum financial requirements.