Four Role of Social Activism
Social activism is a term loosely applied to a wide variety of political actions. Activism can take many forms: peaceful civil disobedience, anti-war marches, protests against corporate greed or injustice. Sometimes, social activism takes the form of organized action, as in campaigns to build schools, provide food assistance, help poor communities, and advocate for social change through political campaign efforts.
Activism can take many forms. Some forms of social activism focus on single issues, such as civil rights or animal rights. Other types of social activism focus on issues affecting a broader range of people, such as global warming or environmental justice. Still other forms of social activism center on social issues that fall between the above categories, such as racism or sexism, discrimination against the disabled, or poverty and hunger. Whatever the specific type of social activism, you're engaged in, it will most likely be focused around a human right.
What sort of human right is the issue? Every human right is something that everyone has the right to claim. Everyone's right to freedom of speech, freedom of religion, and peacefulness are all considered human rights. However, those rights don't exist unless there are people who are willing to claim them. In other words, people are forced to defend their rights against a powerful majority if they want to have any chance of changing the society that oppresses them.
The essence of social activism is that ordinary people are able to stand up against the power of the majority and achieve some degree of social change. There may be different forms of social activism. Some forms of social activism are passive, working only to build one person's power against a powerful majority. Some forms of social activism are proactive, trying to create conditions that make it easier for someone to challenge the power of the majority without waiting for them to do so themselves. And some forms of social activism are extremely violent, working to intimidate those who oppose the activist group or simply working to prevent certain actions that the activist group would consider to be immoral.
For example, some groups may choose to withdraw from participation in social activism if the rights of someone in the community are threatened. If a town tries to ban a human right, the activist group may withdraw from social activism. If the town ends up banning the social right because the activists were violent, that action would also be considered as violence against the community. agency of situation occurs often in rural communities that are not politically stable and where the power of the majority is suppressed by a small minority.
agency for social change can involve many different types of activism. Sometimes the activists need to demonstrate physical presence in order to gain attention and begin to change the social conditions that they are living in. Other times, the activists need to organize and plan an action in which they can gain enough support from the community so that they can begin to change the social conditions in a city or town. In this way, the community plays a large role in the social action of the activists.
Activists can be classified according to the type of social activism that they choose to engage in. Some types of social change are considered to be religious social activism, political activism, environmental social change, and religious social activism. agency that has a spiritual purpose is considered to be spiritual social change. Activism that is politically motivated is categorized as political social change. Finally, environmental social action is considered to be environmental social change.
Today, many progressive leaders choose to focus on social movements instead of only becoming politicians. However, many activists consider themselves politicians when they are participating in major social movements such as the environmental movement. Activists have four roles according to social activism. They are the recruiter, the organizer, the warrior and the propagandist.